Hello, all! It’s a new exciting and kinda scary world for me. I have decided to self-publish. See below to gauge how exactly I feel about this (also, why isn’t Even Steven available for streaming, such an awesome show).

So I made the decision. It’s official. What comes next? Well, hopefully, I can bring you guys on a journey with me as I do so. I already know lots of planning and work goes into it, have researched and studied for years (seriously).
What have I done so far? Also, handy tips to follow.
-Wrote a book.
-Revised and edited a whole whacky bunch of times.
-Had it read by many beta readers.
-Revised and edited again.
-Did quite a few read throughs.
-Had book professionally edited.
After I had all of that done, I made the decision to self-publish.
But alongside all of that you should start building your social media presence and networking with other authors (this here is a whole other post I’ll have to write).
Now comes in the rest of my planning. I think an important thing to do when planning to go indie is set up some goals and deadlines. I made my timeline official by scheduling a cover reveal through a blog touring company. And when you set up your reveal the bloggers who participate need to know the publication date, so you have to give them one. So then it’s all kinda set, and there’s no turning back. I guess you could decide not to go through with it or delay the publication date, but then that’s wasted money if you paid a blog tour company to set it up for you.
My cover reveal is scheduled for Monday, Aug. 22, 2016. If you want to participate, you can sign up here. And my publication date is Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2016.
So this is happening, but it’s all kinda scary. Who knows if I’ll even sell a book?! But I also do plan on sharing my marketing plan with you all (at least the bit of one that I whipped up).
Stayed tuned for more of my zany self-publishing adventures.
Check out my soon to be released debut novel A Fabrication of the Truth on Goodreads.
Bye for now!